Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Thank You! 感谢, 感恩!

After being working full time for 2 years, I have resigned from my current position as a radiographer. My future is filled with uncertainties as I have not confirmed any jobs elsewhere. Lots of the "WHY" been asked. My answer is "not because of anything, just wanted to do something that I like!".

I do feel unsecured with my decision, however, I have realized there could be so many other possibilities and opportunities when I have decided to step out of my comfort zone. Guess what, I'm going to have my first pregnancy and birth shooting next week. Can't believe that I'm doing it.

I am very thankful for the encouragements and supports from all of my frens when they knew that I'm stepping into the door of photography. I have been encouraged to start up a blog, fren looking for opportunities for me to shoot and some of them even have booked me for their event. I am really touched!!! Thank you, thanks to all my dear frens!!!

So, I will gambade, add lots of oil and work hard! Thank you everyone.



期待,是因为即将可以和久违的家人到台湾去旅行, 即将要拍摄新生儿及生产过程的照片(就在下个星期呢!)还有还有,真心感谢朋友们的支持邀请我为他们拍照。

做了两年朝九晚午的工, 决定辞职,未来充塞着不肯定。但,也因为这样生活有了更多的可能性,才发现原来可以做的东西是那么的多!

当朋友们知道了我想要往摄影的方向走,全都给了大大的鼓励和支持!落力的教我写部落格,热心的帮我找机会好让我累积经验,有些还直接订了我为他们拍照。。。我知道我的技术还没很好,就是因为这样, 他们真的让我很感动!谢谢你们,我亲爱的朋友们!

所以呢, 我会努力的!加油加油!


Madyt said...

All the best wong siik hung!!!! believe in urself, because deep in my heart i know that u'll be somebody one day~

what ever it is..."start with the end in mind"~

十分 1Omarks Images said...

thank you, my laling!!! big big kiss to u!! muaks muaks muaks... Thanks for the full support.
I promise, I will work till die to give u not only the moments but also the 'landscape' that u have dreamt of on ur special day!!

Chui Chui said...

Bubu 啊!!才发现你有写部落格!为你的梦想而打拼吧!!加油!

十分 1Omarks Images said...

哈哈,谢啦 chui chui! 也是初来乍到,很多东西还在学习中。才刚学会了怎样把音乐给poll上去,真不容易啊!!